Eastland18 Posted on July 5, 2018 by Gen White Elephant Auction - Eastland 18 White Elephant Auction - Eastland 18 Each family member brings items for the auction. Donations for the items bought at the auction go to support the family reunion expenses. Many items keep coming back each year and go home with a new owner each year. Category Family White Elephant Auction - Eastland 18 White Elephant Auction - Eastland 18 Category Family White Elephant Auction - Eastland 18 White Elephant Auction - Eastland 18 Anne stacking her recently purchased items. Dad Donaldson thinks this is way too much fun. Category Family White Elephant Auction - Eastland 18 White Elephant Auction - Eastland 18 Ron trying to give an aloe plant away while Ken looks on. Category Family Eastland 18 Eastland 18 Mealtime is always a treat! Category Family Eastland 18 Eastland 18 Category Family Eastland 18 Eastland 18 Category Family