Color Codes separate generations. Numbers show generations. | |
First Generation 1 – BLACK – (Sons/daughters of Isaac) | Sixth Generation 6 – BROWN |
Second Generation 2 – RED | Seventh Generation 7 – GREY |
Third Generation 3 – GREEN | Eighth Generation 8 – PURPLE |
Fourth Generation 4 – ORANGE | Ninth Generation 9 – Olive |
Fifth Generation 5 – BLUE | Tenth Generation 10 – PINK |
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William Harrison Gregory 3 (ca. 1813-17 March 1874), eldest son of Benjamin J. and Elizabeth C. Jeter Gregory, was born in Union County, South Carolina and died in Chickasaw County, Mississippi, where he had moved after his father’s death. He was thrice married.
His first wife, Sarah -?- (12 March 1818-21 June 1842), died apparently in or as a result of childbirth (tombstone inscription follows). She is buried in the Gregory Family Cemetery on a hill behind the A. Starks Gregory house near Santuc. Nothing further is known about the child referred to.
In memory of
Sarah Gregory wife of W.H. Gregory
who died June 21, 1842
aged 24 years, 3 months and 9 days.
“Amiable through life, she had the love of
all who knew her, and at her death had the
comfortable assurance of the love of God in Christ,
which the world can neither give nor take away
She left a husband and an infant child to
mourn her early departure.”
‘Alone, dear husband, here I sleep,
Though you must never, never weep
Take care of our sweet little babe
Whilst I am here in death’s dark shade.’
His second wife was Emily -?-. She appears with him on the 1850 census of Union County, aged 22 years. She, too, must have died because William married his third wife in 1856.
The third wife, Margaret Wilson Bedel (19 November 1829-3 July 1872), was the widow of B.G. Bedell. They were married 18 November 1856 at the home of Austin Wilson in Union County. Margaret was the daughter of Clinton Wilson. It is within his estate packet in Union County (Box 43, Pkg. 29, filed in 1860) that her first husband is mentioned. Margaret rests with William at Friendship Church Cemetery in Van Vleet, Chickasaw County. As with the two previous marriages, no issue is known.
Andrew Jackson Gregory, brother of William Harrison, allowed his brother and his brother’s wife, Margaret, to care for – as their own daughter – his child, Sarah E. Gregory (17 June 1862-28 August 1868). It was apparently a custom of the era to give a child to a childless relative as a token of love and family bond. Sarah is buried with William and Margaret.
Another estate located in Union County (Box 65, Pkg. 10) filed in 1877 with Charles Bolt as administrator, references the residence of the late W. Harrison Gregory. The record refers to an undivided interest in the estate of Clinton Wilson.
Aswin Starks Gregory 3 (ca. 1815-1862), second son of Benjamin J. and Elizabeth Crosby Jeter Gregory, and his wife, Margaret T. Scaife (ca. 1826-5 February 1885), were both natives of Union County. She was the daughter of Ferdinand DeGraffenreid and Mary Wilkes Scaife.
Mary Wilkes, daughter of William and Lydia (Clark) Wilkes, was born near Baton Rouge, Chester County, South Carolina about 1805. She died at Brickeys, Arkansas in 1867 and was buried there. Mary Wilkes married Ferdinand DeGraffenreid Scaife (born in Chester County about 1805) about 1825. Mr. Scaife, after the death of his mother, who was a Terry from Virginia, went to live with his older brother, Charner Terry Scaife, at what is now Wilkesburg in Chester County. For a while after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Scaife lived near Baton Rouge and Mr. Scaife, with Thomas Wilkes, operated a general store under the name of Scaife and Wilkes. Later, Mr. Scaife sold his interest in the store and moved to Union County, South Carolina, where he bought a large plantation near Broad River that he operated with the help of many slaves. He also operated a general store in Union. It is said that, as soon as his sons were large enough they were permitted to clerk in the store and were given instructions to extend credit to anyone in Union County except one person.
With the outbreak of the War Between the States, Mr. Scaife raised a regiment of local soldiers and became Colonel Scaife. While he was in command of his regiment at Petersburg, Virginia, he received word that his daughter, Sarah Scaife Seymour, was seriously ill and that he should come home at once if he was to again see her alive. He reached home just before Sarah’s death. While he was home, according to family tradition, his regiment was almost wiped out when their stronghold at Petersburg was blown up by mines planted in tunnels made by the Union forces. All of Colonel Scaife’s six sons saw active service with the Confederate forces in the war and were fortunate to return home safely at the conclusion of the war.
Before the War Between the States, Colonel Scaife was one of the wealthiest persons in Union County. He owned much land and many slaves. The 1860 United States census lists Colonel Scaife with $70,000 in real estate and $100,000 in personal property. At the conclusion of the War Between the States, Colonel Scaife returned to Union County to find his farms neglected and much of his farm land grown up in weeds and brush. The slaves had been freed, and the old plantation life of the South was a thing of the past. Where once the Scaife plantation had grown many bales of cotton that was taken by the sons to Charleston via Broad and Congaree rivers, the future in farming in Union County seemed doomed. The family discussed the situation fully and decided, except for Hazel Furman, to move to Phillips County, Arkansas, where Colonel Scaife had bought before the war several thousand acres of land near the Mississippi River. Sons, Thomas, James, Jackson, and Charner Terry, filled many wagons with supplies–food, seed, tools, farming equipment, household furniture and equipment– and with about 200 of the better ex-slaves, who wanted to go along, drove to Brickeys, near Helena on the Mississippi River, where they settled.
Some of the wives and children went by train, but Margaret (Gregory) drove her own team, carrying her four children, nurse and herself. In other wagons were household furniture, supplies and food. Immediately after arrival, the men began clearing land, building houses, and making preparations for farming in this rich delta land. Colonel Scaife and his wife and daughter Alice arrived a little later, making over 25 of the Scaife family present. The trek of the Scaife caravan was not without incident. One Negro broke out with small pox. Charner Terry kept one wagon with supplies and some dependable Negroes and sent the other on their way. The ill man was put in a dilapidated house, or shack, and the others lived in the open. People nearby brought food for sale. They would stop nearby, but never get close to the shack. Soon the man was well and the journey was completed. Strange to say no others took the dread disease, and where this man caught it was a puzzle.
Colonel and Mrs. Scaife had the following children: Margaret Scaife; James Scaife; William Jackson Scaife; Nary Wilkes Scaife; Sarah Scaife; Lydie Scaife; Thomas J. Scaife; Hazel Furman Scaife; Charner Terry Scaife; Nartha Scaife, who died young; Lannie Scaife, born 1843; died 3 April 1862, unmarried; Robert Scaife; Alice Scaife.
(Excerpt from Wilkes Family History and Genealogy.)
Margaret Scaife, the daughter of Ferdinand DeGraffenreid and Mary (Wilkes) Scaife, was born in Chester County, South Carolina in 1826. She and Aswin Starks Gregory married in Union county in 1846. They lived in Union County, where Aswan Starks Gregory was a farmer. He died in the early 1860s and was buried in Union County.
After the War Between the States was over and the Scaife men had returned home and decided to move to Arkansas, the widow Gregory took her four children and her colored nurse in her carriage and moved to Arkansas. In the 1880 U. S. census of Phillips County, Arkansas, she is listed as head of household and 54 years of age. Three of her sons were living with her at that time.
(See account in Wilkes Family History and Genealogy.)
Starks and Margaret, married about 1842, were the parents of eleven children.
One of the more affluent of Benjamin J.’s sons, Starks reported a $15,000 real estate value and a $40,000 personal property value in the 1850 census. Starks’ farm consisted of 800 acres. The beautiful house was his home in Santuc, South Carolina.
Margaret asked that his estate be partitioned in 1866, and it is believed that the move to Arkansas occurred shortly thereafter. Little is known of this family after the move.
The children of Starks and Margaret were:
Adrian R. Gregory 4 (1843-1862) was a Private in Bonham’s Brigade, First South Carolina Volunteers, Company E. He enlisted at age 18. According to the CSA Pension Registration of 25 February 1902, he died after the War.
Elizabeth Mary Gregory 4 was born in 1844.
William Harrison Gregory 4 was born in 1847.
Sarah (Sally) Gregory 4 was born in 1849.
James F. Gregory 4 was born ca. 1851.
Ida T. Gregory 4 (December/January 1853-17 September 1853), is buried in the Gregory Family Cemetery. Her tombstone lists her age at death as nine months.
Brooks H. Gregory 4 was born ca. 1854.
Benjamin F. Gregory 4 was born ca. 1855.
Alice Gregory 4 was born ca. 1858.
Margaret Susan Gregory 4 was born ca. 1860.
A. Starks Gregory 4 was born post 1860 and died in 1937.
James Thompson (Thompson) Gregory 3 (21 October 1816-6 November 1869) was the third son of Benjamin J. and Elizabeth Crosby Jeter Gregory. He married Paulina Sartor (ca. 1820-ca. September 1873), daughter of Thomas Andrew and Anna Glenn Coleman Sartor. Paulina was also a Union County native. The couple probably married around 1838. This year was derived from the birth year of their first child, James M. (1840).
The family moved to Monroe County, Mississippi before 1858, the birth year of their eighth child, Virginia Eugenia. Paulina’s parents and several of their children also moved to Monroe County about the same time. Her father, Thomas Andrew, died there in 1858 and her mother, Anna Glenn, died in 1866. They are buried in the Sartor Cemetery as is Thompson. It is believed that Paulina rests there as well, though no tombstone has been found.
Neva Jones relates that two of James Thompson’s daughers, “Aunt Lula” and “Aunt Genie” visited her grandfather, Clarence Eugene Crump, and his brothers and sisters at regular intervals. Her mother, who remembered them fondly, said they last visited in the 1920’s and felt that they must have died during that time span.
James Thompson’s estate was not settled until 1877. Though Thompson died in 1869, Q.O. Eckford did not file for administration until 13 September 1873. This, and the fact that Paulina was not named guardian of the younger children, leads us to believe that she died before this date. George W. Gregory, an older brother, was appointed guardian for Eugenia, Josephine, Loula, Benjamin and David Gregory. The estate was finally settled, 4 May 1877. Listed heirs were: Mary; Elvira; Benjamin; Eugenia; Amelia; Dave; and George, P.M. and Loula.
Thompson and Paulina were the parents of 14 known children. They were: James M.; E.A.E.; Mary; George Washington; S. Elvira; Thomas; E.C.; Aurelia; Benjamin P; David Simpson; Virginia Eugenia; E.J.; Josephine; and Loula.
James M. Gregory (1840-13 June 1841) is buried at Cane Creek Quaker Cemetery, Union County. His birth year was calculated from his tombstone, which lists his death date and his age as one year.
E.A.E. Gregory 4 (ca. 1842-26 May 1845), a daughter, died at age three. She is also buried at Cane Creek Quaker Cemetery.
Mary Gregory 4 (1844-?) married W.J. Crump in Monroe County, Mississippi in 1863. No further information is available.
George Washington Gregory 4 (1846-?) served in the Confederate Army from Monroe County, Mississippi, and was in Clay County, Mississippi in 1877. No further information is available.
S. Elvira (first name probably Sarah) Gregory 4, (15 September 1847, Union County, S.C.-15 May 1885, Monroe County, Miss.), the fifth child of Thompson and Paulina, married Alvis Simon Crump (2 February 1844-14 December 1914), a Monroe County, Mississippi native, on 7 November 1877. He was the son of Joseph J. and Frances (Fanny) Sturdivant Crump.
Alvis Simon enlisted in the Confederate Army, in Monroe County, in November 1861. He served in the Eleventh Mississippi Regiment, Company I and fought in the Wilderness Campaign, Sharpsburg and Gettysburg. He was wounded at the Second Manassas. In May 1864, he was transferred as Second Lieutenant to the Twelfth Mississippi Calvary, Company G. He was paroled at Gainesville, Alabama in May 1865.
Alvis was a teacher remembered as being well educated in Latin and Greek. After the death of his wife in 1885, he moved with his children to Union County, Mississippi, where many of his descendants remain. He did not remarry, and is buried in Fairfield Cemetery, Union County.
The children of Elvira and Alvis Crump were: James Raymond; Joseph Thompson; Ida May; Clarence Eugene; Alvis Ernest; Aura Vashtie; John Benjamin; and Dee Witt.
James Raymond (Jim) Crump 5 (8 February 1868-8 August 1928), the first child of S. Elvira and Alvis, was born in Monroe County and died in Union County, Mississippi, where he rests in Fairfield Cemetery. He did not marry.
Joseph Thompson (Tom) Crump 5 (27 October 1869-2 June 1949), the second child of S. Elvira and Alvis, married Sara Elizabeth Eleanor (Ella) Dyson (24 September 1870-6 January 1934). They rest in Fairfield Cemetery. Their seven children were: Elmo Ernest; Maude Armenta May; Alvis Brown; Elvira Myrtle; Ora Jewel; Thomas Quitman, 24 September 1906-September 1916; and Noah Leon, 18 June 1910-September 1911.
Elmo Ernest Crump 6, the first child of Tom and Sara married Nannie Jones and had seven sons: Hugh, Francis, Elmo Ray, Harry, Alvis, James and Charles.
Maude Armenta May Crump 6 (10 October 1893-3 May 1954), the second child, married William Edward Brownlee and lived in Memphis. She had one son William Edward Jr. (1930-1957). The family rests in Fairfield Cemetery.
Alvis Brown Crump 6 (18 August 1896-21 September 1949), the third child of Tom and Sara, was born in Union County, Mississippi. He was twice married: first, Mary Frances Yates (1907-1929); and second, Frances Britt. He is also buried at Fairfield.
Elvira Myrtle Crump 6 (16 August 1899-? 1978), the fourth child of Tom and Sara, married Young Tucker Rowan (?-20 June 1952), on 22 December 1921. They lived in Okolona and both are buried at Sherman. They had three children: Alva Tate; Young Stanley; and Thomas Woodson.
Alva Tate Rowan 7 (13 January 1923), daughter of Elvira Myrtle and Young Tucker, married James Charles Guard on 4 April 1943. Dr. and Mrs. Guard live in Blytheville, Arkansas and have three children: Molly Eileen; Melinda Tate, 11 November 1949; and Melissa Ann, 6 April 1956.
Molly Eileen Guard 8 (20 July 1946) married Nicholas Patterson, 28 March 1967. They have a daughter: Julie Eileen, 28 August 1968.
Young Stanley Rowan 7 (13 November 1928), the first son of Elvira Myrtle and Young Tucker, married Florence Etta Davis on 11 April 1964 in Florida. They have three children: Dawn, 1 December 1964; Shawn Young, July 1967; and Beth Ann, 1 November 1969-1 February 1976.
Thomas Woodson Rowan 7 (9 October 1932), the last child of Elvira Myrtle and Young Tucker, married Nanette Stewart, 16 October 1954, in Okolona, Mississippi. Their children are: Thomas Woodson Jr., 20 December 1957; Nanette Stewart, 18 November 1958; Young Preston, 8 June 1960; Margaret Dawn, 13 March 1962; and Mary Vivian, 23 June 1963.
Ora Jewel Crump 6 (22 July 1903-30 March 1978), fifth child of Tom and Sara, married Henry Bernard Billingsley (1 May 1896-17 August 1982) on 25 April 1920 at Blue Springs Mississippi. Both rest in Fairfield Cemetery. Their five children: Sarah Charlene; Walter Ramie; Helen Gwendolyn; Jerry Gayle; and Janice Marie.
Sarah Charlene Billingsley 7 (24 October 1921 -8 January 1926), the first child of Ora Jewel and Henry Bernard, is buried in Fairfield Cemetery.
Walter Ramie Billingsley 7 (26 April 1926), the second child, married Hettie Joan Holland (26 February 1931) on 26 September, 1947. They are the parents of five children: Gwyndolyn Ruth; Debra Ann; Phyllis Adele; Walter Ramie Jr.; and Lisa Jo (all born in Tupelo, Mississippi).
Gwendolyn Ruth Billingsley 8 (26 June 1948) married Malcolm Ray on 8 August 1964. They have two children, Dana Adams, 8 April 1965; and Melanie Christian, 25 November 1971.
Debra Ann Billingsley 8 (4 July 1950) married Felix Fancher, 27 May 1972. They have two daughters: Claire Billingsley, 8 July 1978; and Alice Kyle, 21 June 1982.
Phyllis Adele Billingsley 8 (21 December 1955) married Mike Stanton in June 1984.
Walter Ramie Billingsley, Jr. 8 (8 December 1958) married Vanita Gay Robinson in 1985.
Lisa Jo Billingsley 8 (19 October 1961) married Terry Branyon Wigginton, 1 September 1984.
Helen Gwendolyn Billingsley 7, third child of Ora Jewel and Henry, married Harrel Douglas Anderson (18 January 1930, Lee County, Miss.), son of Steve Carl and Rosie Ann Timmons Anderson, on 27 December 1953. They have five children: Rejeana; Susan Renee; Douglas Harrison, 5 April 1959; Rebecca Ann; and Remona Gay, 9 October 1965; all born in Tupelo.
Rejeana Anderson 8 (26 June 1955) married Donald Windom Mask, 18 December 1975. They are the parents of: Donald Brent, 1976; and Jenny Leigh, 8 February 1981.
Susan Renee Anderson 8 (26 September 1957) married David Alan Basdon, 27 December 1975, and has two daughters: Belinda Jewel, 26 June 1979; and Jacklyn Elizabeth, 18 January 1981.
Rebecca Ann Anderson 8 (12 October 1960) married Terry Roaton, 27 June 1980.
Jerry Gayle Billingsley 7 (22 December 1939 -31 January 1968), fourth child of Ora Jewel and Henry, married Patricia Ann Brown (20 September 1942, Tupelo, Miss.), daughter of Troy Dalton and Mary Dow Newell Brown, on 20 April 1962 in Beldon, Mississippi. They were parents of three children: Michael Collin, 8 December 1962; Maury Kimble, 16 November 1963; and Amy Maria, 12 March 1965.
Janice Marie Billingsley 7 (15 December 1946), youngest child of Ora Jewel and Henry, married Dennis Young White (26 December 1942), son of Clifton Leland and Ruth Elizabeth Wallis White of Baldwyn, Mississippi, on 8 March 1964. They have three children: Christy Shelaine; Bernard Young, 1 June 1970; and Julie Elizabeth, 19 June 1973.
Christy Shelaine White 8 (6 October 1965, Tupelo, Miss.) married Eric Pruitt in August 1983. They have one daughter: Amanda Cil.
Ida May Crump 5 (4 July 1871-8 October 1953), the third child of S. Elvira and Alvis Simon, married Thomas Stovall Davis (10 July 1866-15 December 1936) and was the mother of eight children: Ruby Mae, 22 August 1889-11 November 1890; Hugh A., 5 January 1891-1 October 1904; Ora Kate; Pearl; Sidney Irene; Thomas Eugene, 8 June 1902 -29 October 1902; James Alvis; and Frances Jewell.
Ora Kate Davis 6 (6 November 1892) married Amos Jarmon Word. They had three children: Lillian, Ellen Word (Fowler) and Amos J.
Pearl Davis 6 (23 January 1894-20 January 1968) married Thaddeus Willard Watson. Their children: Ruby, died at age three; Mary; Irene; Wilma; Sue; Ann; Kathleen; and Lynette.
Sidney Irene Davis 6 (4 August 1898) married J.B. Butts. They have an adopted daughter, Pauline.
James Alvis Davis 6 (5 October 1907) married Wava Estelle Lee. They have two sons, James Thomas and Larry.
Frances Jewell Davis 6 (19 October 1915) married Lem Pittman.
Clarence Eugene (Gene) Crump 5 (26 March 1874 -20 March 1951), fourth child of S. Elvira and Alvis Simon, married Margaret Jane (Jennie) McNutt (8 September 1874-22 March 1954) on 1 December 1895. She was the daughter of Oliver D. and Rutha Ann Strain McNutt. Both are buried in Fairfield Cemetery. Their five children: Oliver Doyle; Nina Opal; Clarence Talmedge; Herman Ernest James; and Thomas Gilmore.
Oliver Doyle Crump 6 (28 September 1897-6 June 1956), the first child of Clarence and Margaret, did not marry. He is buried in Fairfield Cemetery.
Nina Opal Crump 6 (6 March 1900-21 November 1984), second child of Clarence and Margaret, married James Troy McNutt in Lee County on 28 May 1916. They are buried at Fairfield. Their children: C. Willard; Ruby Nevalene; and James Eugene.
C. Willard McNutt 7 (6 April 1918-2 April 1921), the first child of Nina Opal and James, died of diptheria. He is buried in Fairfield Cemetery.
Ruby Nevalene (Neva) McNutt 7 (23 May 1926, Union County, Miss.), the second child of Nina Opal and James, married Wilson Cole Jones, Jr., son of Wilson Cole and Lottie Gladys Rose Jones, on 19 December 1946. He is a native of Holly Springs, Mississippi. Cole was in the Sixth Marine Raiders, U.S. Marine Corps, during World War II. He was wounded at Okinawa. Neva and Cole have two sons: Wilson Cole III; and Terry Lewis.
Wilson Cole Jones III 8 (18 September 1947, Holly Springs, Miss.) married Patricia Claire (Patti) Barber (23 September 1952), daughter of Daniel Cecil and Mae Ellen Reeves Barber, 23 April 1971 at Potts Camp, Mississippi. Wilson Cole served ten years with the Naval Air Corps in Operation Deep Freeze with three tours in Antartica. He also taught electronics at NAS Quonset Point, R.I. and Jacksonville, Fla. He is now manager of Underwriter’s Salvage Company of Memphis. Patti is an Assistant Vice President of Union Planters Bank in Memphis. They have one daughter, Jill Margaret, 31 March 1977 (Lafayette County Hospital, Oxford, Miss.).
Terry Lewis Jones 8 (8 March 1949, Holly Springs, Miss.) married Rose Ann Mills (Ft. Hood, Texas), daughter of Talmadge and Marie Goolsby Mills, 24 February 1978, in Hickory Flat, Mississippi. Terry has been employed with South Central Bell Telephone Company for over fourteen years and Rose Ann is an elementary school teacher. They have a daughter: Ruth Anne, 8 March 1979 (St. Francis Hospital, Memphis).
James Eugene (Jimmie) McNutt 7 (22 November 1934, Lee County, Miss.), the last child of Nina Opal and James, married Billie Aleene Cook (26 September 1936, Tupelo, Miss.), daughter of James Charlie and Mary Lou Huskison Cook, on 27 June 1953. Jimmie is an Elder in East Main Church of Christ, Tupelo, and District Manager of the Service Department of Mississippi Valley Gas Company, Tupelo. He and his wife have three children: Troy Eugene; Phyllis Gayle; and Mark Alan.
Troy Eugene McNutt 8 (22 April 1954, Natchez, Miss.) married, first: Linda Lou Wife, 21 November 1973, at Henderson, Tenn; and second, Susan Doris Oaks on 1 December 1983. His sons: from his first marriage, Jeremy Todd, 14 November 1979; from his second marriage, Marcus Clay, 6 January 1985.
Phyllis Gayle McNutt 8 (19 September 1956, Cleveland, Miss.) married Danny Lee Turner, 10 March 1977. Their children: Lori Ellen, 2 August 1980; and Danny Lee Jr., December 1983.
Mark Alan McNutt 8 (18 March 1962, Tupelo, Miss.) married Susan Plunkett in 1984. They have a son, Jonathan.
Clarence Talmadge Crump 6 (20 June 1903), the third child of Clarence and Margaret, married Audra Estelle White (1 December 1905 -10 April 1984), the daughter of Luther L. and Laura Josephine White and a Union County, Miss. native, on 10 April 1921. Audra Estelle is buried in Memorial Cemetery, Verona, but died in Tupelo. Their two children: Doris Fay, 3 December 1926-4 December 1926; and Clarence Duane, born and died 28 November 1928. Both babies are buried in Fairfield Cemetery.
Herman Ernest James Crump 6 (6 February 1905 -17 February 1961), fourth child of Clarence and Margaret, married Winnie Christine Rogers (28 December 1910) on 10 December 1930. Winnie Christine is the daughter of Clarence and Laura May Christopher Rogers and is a Union County native. Herman died in Baptist Hospital, Memphis. They were the parents of one daughter: Jennie Ruth.
Jennie Ruth Crump 7 (14 February 1932, Union County, Miss.) married John Dee Adams, Jr. (7 June 1932, Union County), son of John Dee and Bertha Lorraine Greenhill Adams, Sr., on 4 March 1950. They have a son: Herman Gary Adams, 4 March 1952, who lives in Houston.
Thomas Gilmore Crump 6 (14 January 1910, Union County, Miss.), the fifth child of Clarence and Margaret, married Rosezine Colvin (2 December 1912, Union County), daughter of James Henderson and Ruthie Ruel Roberts Colvin, on 16 August 1929. They have two daughters: Frances O’Nell; and Marilyn Ruth.
Frances O’Nell Crump7 (6 January 1932) married Jessie Wallace Gullett (7 June 1931) on 23 December 1949. He is the son of Clifton Boyce and Lillie Vance Roberts Gullett. They have two children: Linda Gail; and Jerry Wallace.
Linda Gail Gullett 8 (23 October 1951, Union County, Miss.) married William Tony Henry (5 July 1949) on 30 April 1971. He is the son of Kenneth Keith and Willie Lucille Tate Henry. Their children: Melissa Gail, 28 December 1971; and Eric Tony, 14 January 1975.
Jerry Wallace Gullett 8 (17 January 1955, Union County, Miss.) married Anna Louise Adams (10 October 1957), daughter of Hortis West and Joycie Ione O’Callaghan Adams, on 29 November 1974. They have one son: Corey Dewayne, 20 October 1975.
Marilyn Ruth Crump 7 (1 September 1937) married Norman Dewayne Dye (2 February 1931), son of Herman Edgar and Myrtie Lou Gammill Dye, on 21 June 1958. Their children: Mitzie Dewayne; and Roselyn Renae.
Mitzie Dewayne Dye 8 (30 August 1959, Union County, Miss.) married Luth Myrl Davis (11 January 1955, Union County), son of Arthur Myrl and Virginia Ruth Rodgers Davis, on 6 September 1974. They have one son: Todd Ryan, 19 March 1978 (Union County).
Roselyn Renae Dye 8 (6 April 1961, Union County, Miss.) married William Henry (Bill) O’Callaghan (31 December 1956) on 16 December 1976. They have two daughters: Amanda Aleene, 19 January 1978; and Tonya Elaine 16 December 1980; both Union County, Mississippi.
Alvis Ernest Crump 5 (5 August 1876-9 April 1952), the fifth child of Alvin Simon and S. Elvira, married Maggie Estelle O’Callaghan (30 July 1888-30 July 1970), daughter of John Edward and Mary Emma McWhorter O’Callaghan, on 14 October 1907 in Blue Springs, Mississippi. Both are buried in Fairfield Cemetery. They had two daughters: Maggie Ernestine, 12 October 1909-3 December 1916 (buried at Fairfield Cemetery); and Vera Imogene.
Vera Imogene (Jean) Crump 6 (16 June 1919, Union County, Miss.) married Howard Stanley Livingston (24 June 1918, Sherman, Miss.) on 20 June 1941 in Sherman. They have two children: David Stanley; and Stanna Jean.
David Stanley Livingston 7 (12 August 1946) married Wanda Rupashevski (27 December 1947, Glasgow, Scotland) in Oak Park, Illinois on 30 August 1968. Their children: Jessie David, 30 October 1977; and a second son born in 1981; both in Denver, Colorado.
Stanna Jean Livingston 7 (17 September 1948) married Steven Joseph Myers (5 October 1948, Bloomfield, N.J.) on 31 December 1970 in Chester County, Penn. Their son: Daniel Stanley, 30 March 1977 (Durango, Colorado).
Aura Vashti (Vassie) Crump 5 (7 October 1878 -7 October 1963) the sixth child of Alvis Simon and S. Elvira, was twice married. Her first husband was James Edgar (Ed) McNutt (30 July 1877-14 November 1912), son of Oliver D. and Rutha Ann Strain McNutt. Ed and Vassie were married 23 December 1896. All of Vassie’s children were from this marriage. After Ed’s death, Vassie married R.C. Farthing in Lakeland, Florida. Though she died in Memphis, she is buried in Fairfield Cemetery. Vassie and Ed’s children: Vera Beatrice; James Alton; and Maudie Lucille.
Vera Beatrice McNutt 6 (3 December 1899-3 June 1901) is buried in Fairfield Cemetery, Union County, Mississippi.
James Alton McNutt 6 (16 November 1908, Union County, Miss.) married Clara May Long (17 October 1914), daughter of Lawrence Emitt and Florence May Davis Long, on 16 August 1929 in Union County. Their children: Alton Duane; and Rita Clara.
Alton Duane McNutt 7 (11 April 1931) married, first: Nancy Lou Underwood in Memphis, Tennesse in August 1948; married, second: Barbara Edwards. Duane and Barbara McNutt live in Virginia. His children from his first marriage are: Richard Duane, 30 March 1950; Carson James, 30 May 1951; Thomas Walton, 4 October 1952; Joseph Lawrence, 2 February 1955; and Deborah Ann, 12 September 1957; all in Memphis. He has one son from his second marriage: Michael Duane, 24 May 1967.
Rita Clara McNutt 6 (17 September 1939) married Buford E. Street (20 January 1936), son of William E. and Velma Davis Street, in Memphis, Tennessee on 28 November 1957. They have two daughters: Rhonda Elaine, 30 August 1960; and Stacy Dawn, 24 December 1962; both in Memphis.
Maudie Lucille McNutt 6 (6 September 1911-6 November 1920), the last child of Vassie and Ed, died of diptheria. She is buried at Fairfield Cemetery.
John Benjamin (Johnny) Crump 5 (9 March 1881 -27 April 1896), the seventh child of Alvis Simon and S. Elvira, died of appendicitis in Union County and rests in Fairfield Cemetery there.
Dee Witt Crump 5 (30 September 1883, Monroe County, Miss.-1977, San Diego, California), the last child of Alvis Simon and S. Elvira, married Maggie Strain, daughter of Brice Blackburn and Paralee Cochran Strain of Union County. She also died in San Diego sometime in the 1970’s. They had one daughter: Edna Earl.
Edna Earl Crump 6 married Jimmie Gillian, 20 June 1933, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Edna Earl and Jimmie, who live in San Diego, have three adopted children: Michael, 16 November 1944; Stephen, 20 January 1947; and David, 20 September 1957.
Thomas Gregory 4, a son of James Thompson and Paulina, appears on the 1850 census, aged one year. There is no subsequent appearance and no tombstone can be found in Union County.
E.C. Gregory 4 (27 November 1850-23 November 1851), a daughter, is buried at Cane Creek Quaker Cemetery.
Aurelia (Orelia) Gregory 4 (1852, Union County, S.C.) married F.B. Turnipseed and was residing in Talahatchie County, Mississippi by 1877.
Benjamin F. (Ben) Gregory 4 (12 January 1854 -9 July 1939) married Anna Marion. He is buried in Amory Cemetery.
David Simpson (Dave) Gregory4 (11 January 1856 -16 October 1935) married Martha J. Parchman. He is buried in Amory Cemetery.
Virginia Eugenia (Genia) Gregory 4 (1858, Monroe County, Miss.) married Joseph A. Johnson (ca. 1851), son of Colonel Joseph A. and Wilmoth Malone Johnson. Thev had one known child: Lena.
Lena Johnson 5 was a librarian at Aberdeen, Mississippi and did not marry.
E.J. Gregory 4 (14 December 1860-27 November 1874, Monroe County, Miss.), is buried in the Sartor Cemetery in Monroe County.
Josephine Gregory 4 (ca. 1861) was born in Monroe County, Mississippi. No further information is known.
Loula Gregory 4 (ca. 1863) was born in Monroe County.
Neva Jones of Holly Springs, Mississippi contributed the information on the James Thompson Gregory line.
Benjamin Franklin Gregory 3 (16 November 1819 -14 June 1875) was the fourth son of Benjamin J. and Elizabeth Crosby Jeter Gregory. He was a planter who, in the 1850 census, had real estate valued at $2,420. He married Leah (Levicia) Wilkes (13 April 1822-13 October 1879) of Chester County, South Carolina. She was the daughter of William and Lydia Clark Wilkes. His wife died of paralysis according to the 1880 Mortality Census of Union County. They are buried in the Gregory Cemetery near the old Gregory home between Union and Santuc.
Benjamin Franklin and his brother, A. Starks, built homes alike on opposite sides of the highway (now Route 215). The Benjamin Franklin house burned; the A. Starks house stands and is the house shown elsewhere in this account. Benjamin Franklin lost practically everything following the War Between the States and died intestate – a poor man. His son, Starks Adolphus, administered his estate.
Benjamin Franklin and Leah were the parents of nine known children: Benjamin Pickens; Lydia Elizabeth; William Thomas; Mary Eugenia; Henrietta; Starks Adolphus; Joseph Franklin; Simpson Wilkes; and John Hazel.
The Wilkes Family History and Genealogy by Ivan Ernest Bass, 1965, is the source of the following account of the family of Benjamin Franklin Gregory.
Benjamin Pickens Gregory 4, (22 December 1843, Union County, S.C.-28 June 1911, Chester, S.C.) is buried in Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery.
Benjamin P. was a Confederate veteran. When only seventeen he obtained his father’s permission to join the Confederate forces. He enlisted in Union County as a Private in the Johnson Rifles, a part of Jenkins’ Sharpshooters, but later was assigned to Company E of the Fifth South Carolina Infantry Regiment when a reorganization of forces took place. He served until the surrender at Appomattox on 9 April 1865 and was then paroled with the remnants of General Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. He was in 27 battles and was promoted from Private to Lieutenant.
He related the rough journey home of nearly six hundred miles, wearing worn-out shoes and having blistered feet. He arrived home in April to learn that his brother, Tom, had been dead for about four weeks.
After the war, Benjamin Pickens married Elmira Smith, the youngest child of John and Harriet Drusilla (Mobley) Smith, at Baton Rouge, South Carolina, on 3 August 1865. Following their marriage, they moved to Mississippi and lived there a few years before returning to South Carolina near Baton Rouge. Later, they moved to Chester, South Carolina. The children of this union were: William Thompson; Eugene Howe; Leila Belle; Edward T.; August Mobley; Vivian Elmira, ?-?; and Benjamin Pickens Jr.